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My Online Presence

     Together, the internet and social media have changed society as we know it. It’s crazy to think that my generation is the last generation whose baby pictures won’t be on an iPhone (or another smart phone). At first, I saw social media as a fun way to interact with people online, or to share memorable moments with my friends and family. I never really thought about the negative effects, or the invasions of privacy that come along with it. I always kept in mind that I should keep my accounts private, so strangers don’t see my location, or personal information. However, I never thought twice about sharing my age, phone number, email address, or location with the social media cites themselves. I am on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, and VSCO. I have personally never been a big Facebook user. I downloaded the app going into my freshman year of college as a way for me to connect with High Point’s class of 2022. Other than that, I never post on it or scroll through the ap

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