EOTO YouTube

            One of my classmates taught us a lot about YouTube. In 2004,the concept of video creation came about and just one year later, on February 14, 2005, the registration of YouTube cam about. YouTube had created a trademark logo and domain. The first video ever posted to YouTube was on April 23, 2005 where a man posted a video of himself at the zoo. The video was only 19 seconds long titled, “me at the zoo”. YouTube was bought by google in October 2006. Once Google bought YouTube, the company grew exponentially. In May 2007, they launched a partner program. In June 2007, YouTube was accessible in 9 other countries than the U.S., including the U.K. YouTube was able to create HD content in December of 2008. It’s crazy for me to think about that HD videos came out that late to YouTube. In 2008, I was just eight years old so for me it feels like I’ve been able to watch HD videos my whole life. 


            The site gained 1 billion views per day and ads by 2009. By the end of 2011, the site gained 3 billion views per day and youtubers posting as well. The site hasn’t really experienced any major changes since 2012 but I really enjoyed learning more about YouTube. There are 30 million active users daily with an average viewing session of 40 min long. Something that stood out to me when learning about the site whas that 500 hours of content is uploaded per minute. In order to manage all of this, the annual cost to run YouTube is 6.88 billion dollars. I personally don’t use YouTube as much as the average person in my generation but I think it’s a great way to share your ideas, experiences, thoughts, beliefs, talents, values, ect.




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