Where I Get My News

There are five main sources in which I get my news from as a college student. At home, I normally get my news from the T.V. that’s constantly playing the news channel in my kitchen or living room. However, at college it’s not as easy for me to get my news that way. The five main sources I get my news at school are: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and word of mouth. I think social media is a huge news source for almost everyone, in my generation especially. 

Instagram is a huge source of news for me. I follow multiple news accounts that post current events in America and keep me up to date with what’s going on in other countries around the world as well. My favorite news accounts I follow are” @thanksgoodnews and @goodnews_movement because the post a lot of positive things that get overlooked behind the negative stuff that goes on in our world. 

Twitter is another source where I frequently get my news from. A lot of politicians use this platform to share their thoughts on current events going on in the world. This definitely helps me gain a better understanding of a lot of things from hearing so many different per and interpretations – especially on controversial topics. They also use their platform to announce certain plans they have for the future which is interesting to see how they play out and helps me keep an eye out for certain things.

I never really used Facebook before college. I first made it to join the HPU Class of 22 Facebook groups so I could meet people in my class before attending High Point. Since I’ve been at school, I have continued to frequently use it because my Sorority, Zeta Tau Alpha, has multiple Facebook groups that we need to check every day. This leads me to browse through my explore page where people I’m friends with often share political posts, or current events going on in and out of the country. The most recent posts I’ve seen are information about the explosions in Lebanon.

Snapchat is probably the form of social media in which I am on the most. I use snapchat the most because it’s main purpose is for you to directly communicate with your friends through pictures, videos, and direct messaging. You can also watch stories which are pictures and videos that people post for all of their friends to see. There are a lot of stories that pop up on a discovery page of different news articles and other publications. Here you can subscribe to different channels that you would like to see every day. It is a very quick and easy way for me to get my news. 

Another way I get my news, is simply by word of mouth. My roommates, my friends, my family, my classmates, and my professors all talk about events that go on in the world. This leads me to not only learn and ask questions about these current events, but to research as well. Hearing the different perspectives of people and different views helps me gain a better understanding of these events.


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