Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter is a very powerful movement that has struck up a huge conversation across today’s world. People have protested against racism for years. Although we have made tremendous strides at achieving racial equality, racism still goes on today. The Black Lives Matter protests all started after the death of George Floyd that was at the hands of a police officer. I think it’s great that people have the freedom to stand up and speak up for what they believe in, that’s one of the many beautiful opportunities we have here in America. However, it saddens me that the meaning behind some of these protests gets lost behind all of the chaos. Looting and rioting are crimes. Everyone knows that it is against the law to destruct other people’s properties and steal. No matter how angry you may feel about something, it is never justifiable to break the laws of our country. That’s why I wanted to talk about an article that represents forms of peaceful protesting. Despite anyone’s beliefs, there is nothing wrong about a peaceful protest. Some states have streets dedicated to the movement in form of protest. They have “Black Lives Matter” painted up and down the street on the pavement to raise awareness. These streets also include petitions to sign and people set up at stations in which you can donate money. They could also include flyers with helpful information explaining ways in which you can help the cause. These things are all very affective in making a change without hurting or destroying anything or anyone along the way. The first amendment condones the Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly and the Freedom of Petition. These freedoms make it justified for people to spread and share your thoughts and ideas and even talk back to the government. Therefore, forms of peaceful protesting are condoned by the First Amendment and acts of rioting and looting are not. The First Amendment doesn’t condone stealing or destroying anyone’s property. 


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