Rogers Diffusion Theory

                Rogers Diffusion of Innovations, or ideas, is how technology or an idea penetrates society. There are pioneers, early adopters, the late majority, and late adopters. Some people have to buy the newest version of all of the latest technologies and trends as soon as they come out, while others don’t care to keep up with the trends and hold off on buying the newest thing until they need it, if they ever do. Take iPhones for instance, whenever a new one comes out, some of my friends have it before I even know there is a new iPhone on the market. I on the other hand, usually stick with the iPhone I have until its broken or I’ve had it for a while and have an upgrade through Apple, where I can get a new phone for “free”. Then you have people like my grandfather who still has a flip phone. I think that society and age have a huge impact on how quickly people adapt to innovations. Usually the younger generations keep up with the newest trends and the older generations find out about them through their kids, grandkids, etc. I even find myself starting to fall behind my younger sister on some of the newest technological trends and ideas. I also think that with age comes maturity and a less of a need to have something because everyone else has it.


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